Update 10 April 2021
The pre-planning application has been refused, with the recommendations –
Recommendation 1: That Prior Approval is REQUIRED for reason that: The appearance and siting of the development would have a significant impact upon its surroundings.
Recommendation 2: That Prior Approval be REFUSED for reason that: The appearance and siting of the development would have an adverse impact upon local amenity and the character of the surrounding residential area, particularly the adjoining residential dwelling at No. 1 Heol Urban
UPDATE 8 January 2021
Telefonica-O2 have lodged a pre-planning application, reference, PRAP/21/00005/MNR, with Cardiff Council, to site the 20 metre mast on Danescourt Way, between the path to Douglas Close and Heol Urban. this is an update to the previous application, which has been withdrawn.
Planning documents are available at –