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School visit in July 2013

At the end of term a small group of us [Sue Donkin, Gill Gorwill and Elaine Jenkins] visited our local school, Danescourt Primary. All three of us had been mums and members of the PTA in the 1990s and we were keen to see how things have changed. The head teacher, Judith Davies, joined the school last year and after a period of settling in we decided to approach her to see if we could meet her and have a look around the school at the changes.

Sue, Judith and Gill

It was amazing to see the expansion that has taken place in the buildings. The school is twice the size and full of buzz….. learning buzz, happy buzz, and busy buzz. On the day we were visiting the school it was also accommodating work experience youngsters- perhaps future teachers.

Teachers Planning

During our walk around we watched teachers planning work and others writing reports. We saw rooms which were designated quiet areas and others, where learning through activity was a key feature. The outside areas, which had been redundant spaces all those years ago, are now connected to classrooms and were well used particularly on this sunny day. A really big change was the introduction of closed classrooms in some areas. Of course in this computer driven world, it was no surprise to see so much of it in assisting learning. We were told that the school is looking forward to an update of computer facilities for every child.

After our tour around we shared a coffee with Judith and chatted about general issues with regards the future of “our school”. She told us she was looking forward to the building of the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) within the school grounds and was hoping the children would get good use from the facility.

As we left I think we all agreed that we had visited a happy and productive establishment.

We would urge all residents who no longer have links to the school to read their web page to see all the learning activities in which the children participate and all the fun they seem to have.

Last Updated on Monday, 16 September 2013 11:23
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