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Partnerships and Communities Together (PACT)

PACT meetings are a chance for members of the public to be able to speak to their local PCSOs, police officers and councillors and raise any concerns they may have.

Some examples of the concerns that have been raised have been problem parking in specific areas at specific times and anti-social behaviour at specific locations. Sometimes concerns are raised such as graffiti and the local councillors make a note of this to action it from a council perspective.

The meetings are very informal and are treated as an opportunity to communicate with members of our community who might not necessarily call the police to report things.

The South Wales Police Website website has more information about policing in Danescourt. If you have any questions about PACT then you can contact our local police officers via the South Wales Police website, although if you wish to report incidents, you still need to call this through to 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 August 2018 19:39
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