St John the Baptist
Sunday 9.15am Holy Eucharist and Sunday School This is a communion service with hymns and a sermon, with the children meeting in hall for Sunday School. They join the congregation for a blessing, and a chance to "Report back" on their activities at the end of the service.

There are about 35 adults plus the children on a typical Sunday. On the first Sunday of each month there is a Family Service. The whole church family, all ages, comes together for a slightly shorter and more informal service. The address uses lots of visual aids and questions!
After the Family Service there is tea and coffee and a fair trade stall in the hall.

Go the Radyr Parish website for details of services and contact details:
Find out about booking the church hall for your event or activity
Danescourt Christian Fellowship
Sunday Services at St John's Church Hall 11:15 to 12:45
Last Updated on Monday, 14 March 2016 21:23 |