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Planning Appeal on 48 Houses at Radyr Court Road PDF Print E-mail
The developer, Nabatean Ltd., has appealed against the Planning Committee decision to refuse planning permission. Details of the application are here.
Full details can be accessed on the Planning Inspectorate website using the Case Number 2207479 – the link is http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?caseid=2207479&coid=44082  you need to access the documents page and expand the Documents Name using the + symbol.
The appellant has requested an Inquiry as the form of appeal. The Inspectorate form states –
This is the most formal of procedures. Although it is not a court of law the proceedings will often seem to be quite similar as the parties to the appeal will usually be legally represented and expert witnesses will be called to give evidence. Members of the public and press may also attend. In general, inquiries are suggested for appeals that:
  • are complex and particularly controversial;
  • have caused a lot of local interest;
  • involve the need to question evidence through formal cross-examination.
Guidance on the Inspectorate website states –
If you want to take part in an inquiry, you need to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. Most people prefer to make, or read out, a brief statement giving their views. If there are several people with the same views, it is a good idea for one person to speak on behalf of the others. (The Inspector is likely to suggest this approach when opening the inquiry.) Repeating arguments at the inquiry does not help the Inspector, or make the point more relevant. Inquiries are open to members of the public, and although you do not have a legal right to speak, the Inspector will normally allow you to do so. Local people are encouraged to take part in the inquiry process. Local knowledge and opinion can often be a valuable addition to the more formal evidence given by the appellant and the LPA
If you wish to take a leading role or partake in the inquiry, please read the relevant articles on their website.
A date and venue are yet to be decided.
The Cardiff Council planning application reference no. was 12/01454/DCO
Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 20:27
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