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DCA Objects to Planning Application PDF Print E-mail

Danescourt Community Association has confirmed its continuing objection to the Planning Application for 36 houses on greensapce within the protected Taff River Corridor **Planning App Ref: 20/00187/MJR**.

You can read the objection in full here.  

Please submit your own objection by email to [email protected], quoting the reference 20/00187/MJR

Sewage and Sewerage from the new houses Llantrisant Road/Plasdŵr PDF Print E-mail

When a development(s) of houses is (are) proposed, one of the key elements to be catered for is sewage. The developers work with Welsh Water, a non profit making organisation to proved clean water and and to dispose of sewage.

Welsh Water's proposal is to take the sewage and to connect into the main foul sewer which happens to be on the other side of the river. This means taking the sewer under both the railway and the river. To connect in to the main sewer they will need to build a pumping station in Hayley Park. The residents of Llandaff North are not happy about this and have questioned the planning approval. They have found what they believe is an incorrect procedure that would nullify the consent that has already been granted. They have a Llandaff North Residents Association and they have requested a judicial review to be carried at the end of June.


There are 2 outcomes:-

1 The review is upheld. The consequences are that Welsh Water would have to re apply correctly and so in reality only delay the connection.


2 The review is not upheld The consequences being Llandaff North Residents Association may have to bear the costs incurred by Welsh Water, and the connection will go as planned.


The barristers fees for a judicial review are likely to be in the order of £20,000. The LNRA already have collected £10,000 and have created a Just Giving page to raise the remaining £10,000. There is a link below where you can donate towards this cost.

Just Giving - Save Hailey Park

Why is this being posted onto the DCA website you may ask, as the pumping station is on the other side of the river. Well to get the sewage to our side of the river will require works and disruption at the end of De Braose Close and a permanent maintenance track, which we do not want.

If you would like to find out more comprehensive details about the whole proposal please click the link below.

Proposed Foul Sewer Pumping Station in Hailey Park

The Danescourt Community Association is supportive of the Llandaff North Residents Association and would not wish to see a pumping station at Hayley Park or the works and maintenance track etc. on the Danescourt side of the river.

Research done by the Save our Woods campaign team have found that as part of a planning application, Redrow were required to construct a state of the art sewage treatment plant for 1500 houses in the Wrexham area - an excellent solution. Why the developers for the houses on Llantrisant were not required build such a facility is not known but you could write to Cardiff Planning Officer and to Welsh Water and ask the question.

I hope you find the above informative.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 June 2023 11:58
Mathew Walk - Additional Parkland One Cut Sites PDF Print E-mail

Cardiff Council is proposing to increase the number of one cut sites for the forthcoming grass cutting season for 2023.

In a statement to Councillor Sean Driscoll the council said "The implementation of this proposal will see an increase of 110 hectares of new one cut grassland sites, which will bring a total of one cut sites across the city to 197.7 hectares. Where appropriate paths will be cut through the proposed one cut sites to encourage visitors and residents to walk through and enjoy the increase biodiversity."

The Mathew Walk Open Space is one such site affected by the proposal.


Councillor Driscoll has said to the Danescourt Community Association (DCA) "I recognise the benefits of introducing pollinators and areas for birds to feed. But personally, I’m not in favour of allowing the grass to grow in some areas of Parkland in front of houses. . This is also an area well used by children for ball games. A well cut grassed area in front of houses has a visual amenity benefit. Allowing the grass to grow I feel makes an area such as this look unkept."


The DCA will discuss the proposal at its meeting on 20th March at 8pm in St John's Church Hall, please attend the meeting to express your views.  If you are not able to attend the meeting then please let us know your views using our contact form

DAC Meeting 20th March 2023 PDF Print E-mail

Notes of the meeting of the Danescourt Community Association, held on 20.03.23



Edgar Gibbs, Chair

Ray Jenkins, Treasurer

Councillor Sean Driscoll

Councillor Peter Huw Jenkins

Jessica Clement, Transport for Wales (Community Engagement)

Dylan Philips (Project Manager, Amey)

Kevin, Transport for Wales

21 Residents of Danescourt


Lanks Hill Footbridge Replacement

Planning consent for the new bridge was not required. The replacement was under "permitted development".

Bridge design is standard, but on being pressed, the views of the local residents may be taken into account at a meeting to be held Tuesday 21.03.23 (now Thursday 23.03.23). Councillor Sean Driscoll requested that he be able to attend.

Photos of different bridge designs were tabled by Dylan from Amey as well as residents.

The new bridge to be installed on 26th August 2023.

Dissatisfaction was expressed by the residents at the way the whole process and lack of consultation has been undertaken.

The issue of vulnerable people crossing a 27m long bridge between 1.8m high solid sides was of serious concern as no-one could not see them or hear any shouts if for example they were being mugged. This is a H&S issue which could be confirmed with a Safety Audit. Residents want more visibility.

The bridge design team will email their response to the residents concerns to the Chair of the DCA and the Councillors which will be put on the DCA website.

There will be access to a link on the website to the bridge design, for people to make comments, but the view was that it was probably too late.


Mathew Walk "one cut" proposal

Councillor Sean Driscoll outlined the proposal and thanked Caroline, a resident from Danescourt living on Mathew walk, for organising a petition and obtaining nearly 600 on Facebook, Helen Stewart said responses signatures rejecting the proposal.

Other views were put forward and it seemed to be agreed that the majority of the grass will remain cut but some small areas will be left to encourage wildlife. The question was raised "was it cost cutting?" The Councillor responded it was to promote wildlife in particular bees.


Sewage and Sewerage from new development Questions to Welsh Water

The Chair read out the questions to Welsh Water and the responses received, which it was agreed were less than helpful.  These are included below.

  1. Where is the sewage from the already constructed new housing is going?

    The discharge points for new properties at the Plasdwr development are set out in the Drainage Strategy submitted by the developer – please refer to condition 24 of planning permission 14/02733/MJR

  2. Would it be possible to send me a map showing builder specific development by development where the sewage is going currently in the main sewerage system?

    Please can you clarify to which development you are referring to? If you are referring to the Plasdwr development, please see above. For any other developments please provide an indication of which developments you are asking for and we can consider whether we have the information available to them on the points of connection to the public sewer.

  3. Also how many more houses can be built before the current main sewerage reaches capacity?

    We do not hold this information; however, we can advise that as part of the planning process and in our role as a Statutory Consultee we will consider the impact of new development discharges onto our local sewerage system on a case by case basis. We will support new development where capacity is available without causing risk or detriment to the environment or the service, we provide to existing customers in the area.

Lanks Hill Bridge Closure PDF Print E-mail

Lanks Hill Bride (the footbridge over the railway from Beale Close to Radyr Court Rise) will close tomorrow (18th February) for demolition. The bridge is too low for the cables being installed for the electrification of the railway.
As yet there is no date for when a replacement will be ready.
Lanks Hill Bridge Closure SignsLanks Hill Bridge and Closure Signs

Last Updated on Friday, 17 February 2023 09:40

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