Housing Proposals for North West Cardiff |
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Cardiff Council approved the LDP in January 2016. There are 5 large planning applications for the North West of Cardiff. They are -
The first four were lodged in 2014 and awaited the outcome of the LDP. The Llantrisant Road 14/02157/MJR application has had a further application 16/02016/MJR approved for the first 126 dwellings on the Clos Parc Radyr site and work is in progress on the site. Most of the applications are outline, so they can change significantly by completion. The number of dwellings listed above should be a maximum and is given to indicate the plot size. The applications include schools and community facilities, and many other details. The above applications can be viewed on the Cardiff Council website at Cardiff Council planning applications and entering the relevant reference number from the list above. Some have a large number (200+) documents as they contain the original and updated plans/paperwork, objections and comments. Llantrisant Road 630 dwellings 14/02157/MJR planning application An overall guide to the application can be obtained from the Report prepared for the approval of the Planning Committee as it contains the planning recommendations, views of officials and bodies, a review of objections and outline plans of the sites. Approval was given for the scheme in February 2016. A copy of the report is available here. A summary of the 630 dwellings application There are two sites –
The changes to Llantrisant Road are –
Other improvements proposed – Off-site pedestrian, cycle and environmental improvements are proposed to Heol Isaf, between the Llantrisant Road/Heol Isaf Junction to the Heol Isaf /Station Road junction, to encourage sustainable travel. These include the creation of a 20mph zone between Heol Isaf /Station Road junction and Radyr Comprehensive School egress, junction improvement works, a mini roundabout to Radyr Comprehensive, 3 raised zebra crossings (to the north of Rectory Close and to the north and south of Radyr Comprehensive School access) and landscape improvement works. Zebra crossings are also proposed at Radyr Station, and on Waterhall Road, Tangmere Drive and Danescourt Way. Cycle parking is proposed at bus stops, and at Radyr Station, subject to the approval of the Council and station operator. Discussions are taking place between the developer and Western Power about the possibilities of transferring the 132kV underground. It currently runs across the proposed South estate. This is not required as a condition of the planning approval. The primary school will be two storey for a 2 Form entry accommodating a total of 189 pupils with 48 FTE nursery places. The area of the site proposed by the developers is 13500m2 as this is less than the requirement of 19928m2, an all-weather synthetic grass surface of 3200m2 has been requested. The sites have to have a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) to collect rainwater and prevent flooding. This will be implemented by several ponds and swales to collect the rainwater from the roofs and surfaces, these will limit any discharge to the rivers and allow ground absorption. Affordable Housing: 15% on-site affordable housing 50%, of which is intermediate rent (IR), and 50% as low cost home ownership (LCHO), with the LCHO element being offered at 70% of open market value (OMV). Whilst this level is below the 30% sought for greenfield sites, and below the amount requested by the Director of Communities, Housing and Customer Services, there are exceptional circumstances in terms of the significant cost to deliver essential enabling infrastructure to support the delivery of Strategic Site C (Plasdŵr). These circumstances have impacted upon viability where 15% is the maximum contribution which could be achieved where the development remains economically viable. |
Last Updated on Thursday, 02 March 2017 20:47 |